Acupuncture FAQ
What is Acupuncture?
Acupuncture is a vital healing system that has been effectively used for thousands of years. Hair-thin needles (sterile and disposable) are placed with intention at specific points along the body to help treat a wide variety of ailments including but not limited to:
Emotional stress
Fertility issues
Digestive issues
How Does Acupuncture Work?
Acupuncture can be understood within eastern and western thought. From a western perspective Acupuncture helps to promote the release of endorphins, balance and stimulate the central nervous system, and release muscle fibers and fascia that are stuck in contraction.
From an eastern perspective, Acupuncture balances and releases the Qi, or life force, that flows freely in the body. In a healthy body and mind Qi flows freely and unhindered. However when the body/ mind becomes compromised through injury, disease or stress, Qi can become blocked and or depleted. This will often lead to pain and other symptoms of dis-ease.
From both an eastern and a western perspective acupuncture harnesses the bodies own innate system of healing to move the body/mind into a greater balance and homeostasis. Acupuncture treats symptoms directly, while addressing the underlying root. As the body moves towards greater balance and harmony, symptoms improve and people feel a greater sense of overall health, vitality and happiness.
What can I expect?
The vast majority of people find the sessions relaxing and enjoyable. Acupuncture is a cumulative process and where most report feeling improvement after a session or two, it generally takes five to six sessions before this change begins to take root into one's life in a grounded, meaningful and lasting way. I always work within the comfort of the patient and most will find the insertion of needles to be painless and relaxing.